Membership and Donations
ACNA is a New Jersey registered 501(3)c tax-exempt organization. Tax ID is 82-3956391

** All donations are tax deductible - Please donate generously**
1 Year - $500.00
This will enable your family to take part in all ACNA activities without any ticket price and also enable you to hold functions with prior reservation. There are several other benefits of family membership that we will institue shortly.

1 Year - $250.00
This will enable you to take part in all ACNA activities without any ticket price and also enable you to hold functions with prior reservation. There are several other benefits of individual membership that we will institue shortly.

1 MONTH - $100.00
This will enable you to take part in all ACNA activities for that month without any ticket price and also enable you to hold functions with prior reservation. There are several other benefits of monthly membership that we will institue shortly.

$1000.00 TO $50,000.00
The ACNA Premises Fund-Donations of any amount in betweeen $1000.00 and $50,000.00 are welcome.
This will be used to pay off loan for acquisition of the ACNA Center premises.

The ACNA CENTER in Mahopac, New York requires funds to operate. We will greatly appreciate any financial support you can provide.

Please donate generously:
1-      Membership-$500 annually. This will enable you to take part in all ACNA activities without any ticket price and also enable you to hold functions with prior reservation. There are several other benefits of membership that we will institue shortly

2-      The ACNA Premises Fund-Donations of $1000-$50,000 are welcome. To pay off loan for acquisition of ACNA Center premises.

3-      All other funds are welcome and will add to our scope of work-you can simply donate as much as you want, this will enable us to hold more events. You can also donate for a particular event.

1-Discounted admission to qawwali and other events.
2-Holding family events- birthdays, family events.
3-Holding majalis and other events
4-Arranging talks and conferences.
5-Holding musical events, art exhibits.